Shapes are a commonly used type of layer in Sketch documents — and because they’re vector-based, they’re incredibly flexible too.
An easy way to get started is to add and edit pre-made shapes. If you want to create a custom shape, try out the vector editing tool or combine multiple shapes using Boolean operations.
Adding pre-made shapes
To add a new pre-made shape to the Canvas, click the Insert button in the Toolbar and select a shape. Alternatively, open the Insert menu in the Menu Bar, select Shape and choose which type of shape you want to add.
Pre-made shapes include the rectangle, oval, rounded rectangle, line, arrow, triangle, star and polygon.
You can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly add pre-made shapes:
R | Rectangle |
O | Oval |
U | Rounded rectangle |
L | Line |
After you’ve selected a shape, click and drag anywhere on the Canvas or Artboard to add it. As you drag, you’ll see the shape’s dimensions next to your cursor.
Click and drag to draw a pre-made shape
To create a shape with even proportions (such as a perfect square or circle), hold ⇧ as you click and drag. If you’re creating lines or arrows, holding ⇧ will constrain the line’s path by 45° increments.
Hold ⇧ as you drag to draw a shape with even proportions
To draw a pre-made shape from its center instead of from the top left, hold ⌥ as you click and drag.
Hold ⌥ as you drag to draw a shape from its center
To move a shape as you’re adding it, hold the Space bar ␣ as you drag — this is handy if you started drawing the shape in the wrong area and quickly need to place it elsewhere.
Hold ␣ as you drag to quickly move a shape
Drawing freeform shapes with the Pencil tool
To draw a freeform shape, press P or choose the Pencil tool from the Insert
menu. When you’ve finished drawing, Sketch will smooth curves and simplify the path you’ve created.
Use the Pencil tool to draw a freeform shape
Adding shapes from SVG Code
To add a shape using SVG code, simply select the code and paste it anywhere on the Canvas.
Select the SVG code and paste it anywhere on the Canvas