Meet the Maker: Volodymyr Kondriianenko
“Sketch gives me the possibility to create more artistic things like icons and GUIs for apps. It is a very relaxing experience!”
At Sketch we’re constantly surprised at how designers push the limits of our beloved app. So, starting today, we’re going to meet a few of them, tap into their knowledge, get inspired — and share their insights. We’ll kick things off by chatting to Volodymyr Kondriianenko, Staff Product Designer at Edvoy.
How did you get started using Sketch?
I started using Sketch in 2015. Moreover, I was one of the first designers in the company who started to make mockups in Sketch instead of Photoshop. I was a strong supporter of Sketch in the past. Like today, too.
What inspired you to create the work you’re sharing with us?
My curiosity and desire to switch context. As a senior product designer, I work mostly on big, complex projects. Sketch gives me the possibility to create more artistic things like icons and GUIs for apps. It is a very relaxing experience! Almost like meditation.
I want to make something similar to physical objects in Sketch. Like many designers, I adore industrial design. So, real things greatly influence my design. I’m a big fan of stationary, music hardware, cameras, and overall nice-looking stuff.
Volodymyr’s MiniDisc illustration — made in Sketch.
What tools and features in Sketch do you use the most?
Complex fills, inner shadows, strokes for icons. Symbols and color variables for UIs.
What advice would you give to anyone looking to create something similar to your designs?
Play around with various tools. I use Blender and Spline for lighting and material references, markers to understand how colors work together. Try to use different Sketch tools like gradient fills, complex shadows, add textures and noise. The main rule here – do not limit yourself! It is a creative process, after all.