Every Editor who joins a Workspace also gets online storage space for their Sketch documents. Here’s everything you need to know about how much storage you get, how to manage your storage and what to do if your Workspace exceed the storage limit.
How much storage do I get?
From 29 February 2024 onwards, each of your Workspaces will have 50 GB of shared storage per Editor with a standard subscription.
For example, paying for two Editor Seats gives you a total of 100 GB Workspace storage — regardless of how it’s used individually between the two Editors.
Business subscriptions get unlimited storage.
Where can I view my storage details?
Workspace Admins can view the current storage details by following these steps:
- Go to Sketch, log in as an Admin, and switch to your Workspace in the top-left corner. Make sure your Workspace name is showing.
- On the bottom of the left sidebar, click on Settings > Billing to open the Billing page.
- You’ll find storage details under Workspace Storage.
What happens if my Workspace goes over the storage limit?
If you’re an Admin, we’ll send an email to let you know if your Workspace is close to its storage limit and outline a few ways to free up some space. We’ll send you another email when the Workspace exceeds the storage limit.
Even if you’re over the Workspace storage limit, Editors can still create and save documents as usual. We won’t delete any documents or limit Workspace access in any way.
How do I stay under the storage limit?
There are a few ways you can free up storage space in your Workspace:
Delete documents in the Trash
The quickest way to free up some space is to take a look at what’s in the Trash, either in the web or Mac app. If you find documents and projects that you won’t need again, you can permanently delete them now instead of waiting 90 days for documents to be deleted automatically.
Keep in mind that only Admins can permanently delete documents from the Trash.
Search for and delete old documents
Another way to find documents you may no longer need is by heading to All Documents, sorting by Last Updated and selecting the option to Show Older documents first. Trash any unneeded documents, after which you can permanently delete them instead of waiting the usual 90 days.
Did another Editor create or work on an old document? If yes, be sure to check with them first before you permanently delete it.
You can view a list of documents by when they were last updated in descending order, which can help you find out which documents haven’t been used in a long time.
Back up old documents
You can always download old documents and archive them locally on your Mac. If you ever want to bring them back into your Workspace again, simply drag and drop them into the Workspace window in the Mac app.
Resize images and delete versions
Some documents can become very large if they contain high-resolution images, or if you create lots of versions of the same document.
To find a document’s size, open the web app, choose a document, click the on the thumbnail and select Settings. You’ll find the document’s size in the Document Info section.
While deleting document versions will help save space, versions may also include their own comments, notes or other important data that you may want to keep. Any shareable URLs that link deleted versions will no longer work either.
If you find you have an especially large document that you want to keep, try the following to reduce its size:
- Download the latest version of the large document to your Mac to create a local copy
- Delete the document and its versions from your Workspace and empty the Trash (you still have a local copy saved on your Mac to upload again later)
- Open the local copy of the document in the Mac app and reduce the size of large images in your downloaded document
- Save the downloaded document, then upload it to the Workspace again
Your document should now be much smaller because you reduced image sizes and removed all earlier versions.
Avoid deleting Libraries — even old ones — because they affect how other documents look.
How is Workspace storage calculated?
We measure storage based on the total file size of all Sketch documents in a Workspace, along with their version history, embedded images and fonts. Workspace documents include those you keep in projects, My Drafts, and in the Trash.
What types of data don’t count toward the storage limit?
We don’t count assets that Sketch needs render the document in the web app — such as canvas presentation files, PNG representations of components, or Member avatars. We also don’t factor in asset exports for handoff, because these are automatically deleted after Sketch creates them.
I need more storage. What are my options?
If you work solo or are part of a small team, your best option is to delete documents that you don’t need anymore. And if you really want to hang on to lots of documents you can always save and back them up locally, if you prefer.
If you’re in a medium to large team, you also have the option to switch to a Business subscription, which comes with unlimited storage. View pricing